Some other items from our May Newsletter

As members will know, a planning application was submitted in March by Countryside Properties (UK) Ltd. The proposal is to build 200 houses on the land bounded by Cuckoo Lane, Gateacre Park Drive and Grange Lane. In April we distributed about 1,500 copies of a 'News Extra' leaflet, door-to-door within the area surrounding the application site, giving details of the proposed layout and summarising our own comments. We understand that the City Council's Planning Department has received a large number of objections - mainly on the grounds of the likely traffic impact and the loss of green space. A decision on the application (ref.15F/0516) will be taken by the Council's Planning Committee in due course. Meanwhile we have posted details of the scheme, and some of the comments received, elsewhere on our website. If you would like your own comments to be included, please let us know. Our web pages will be updated as more information becomes available.

The Gateacre Society has summarised the proposals here.
You can read our comments, and also some of the comments submitted by local residents.

The series of public meetings under the chairmanship of Simon O'Brien (see last Newsletter) ended with a lively session in St James Church Hall, Woolton, on 28th March. The Review Board is aiming to publish its draft report in June, at which point further representations will be invited. If you have not already registered your interest, please see our March 2015 web page for more information.


Decisions are still awaited on two planning applications mentioned in previous Newsletters:
Grange Lane Service Station (ref. 14F/1948) and the former Gateacre Garden Centre (ref. 15F/0359).

We did not object to the plan for 10 detached houses on the Garden Centre site, though we suggested that the pavement adjacent to the entrance needs to be widened, and we expressed concern over the inclusion of security gates which - it appeared from the application documents - might lead to a proliferation of wheelie bins along the Acrefield Road frontage.

Above: Gateacre Garden Centre site Street Scene and Layout Plan drawings extracted from the
Design & Access Statement

© Macbryde Homes Ltd
, St Asaph

You can find details of the above planning applications at and
respectively. For details of how to obtain further information and submit comments, please refer to our January and March 2015 web pages.

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Page created 22 May 2015 by MRC