Our next meeting:

An illustrated talk by Les Cox
on Monday 28th September

at 7.30pm in Gateacre Chapel, Gateacre Brow L25 3PB

Cunard and Liverpool share a special historic and emotional relationship, with so many happenings linking the company and city over the last 175 years. When Britannia left Coburg Quay on Saturday 4th July 1840, for Halifax Nova Scotia and Boston, she not only established the first regular service across the Atlantic, she changed the face of ocean travel forever. Liverpool was the obvious choice as the focus for Cunard's 175th anniversary celebrations, bringing together the three famous Queens: Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria. The Cunard story is a fascinating and proud one. In all, over 250 ships have served in the fleet and the talk will feature a representative selection.

Les Cox is a Blue Badge tourist guide (Merseyside and North West regions) and since 1995 has covered a wide range of activities, including sightseeing tours and guided walks. He regularly provides commentary on board the Mersey Ferry Fleet for the seasonal Manchester Ship Canal cruises and other River excursions.

ALL WELCOME - Admission free - Donations invited

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