A 20mph ZONE

Back in July - in connection with the Gateacre Comp Site planning application - we were told that "there are proposals for a 20mph zone covering the Cuckoo Lane / Grange Lane area". Most local residents will now have received a questionnaire from the City Council's Road Safety Services unit, seeking their views on the proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit (without speed bumps) across a wide area of south-east Liverpool.

The Council's website - at - states that "All residents within their specific area will be fully consulted on the scheme before the scheme starts on site". However, all that has been asked so far is a simple yes/no question: "Are you in favour of the speed limit on your road being reduced to 20mph?".

We cannot understand why residents are not being asked to comment on the proposed introduction of a 20mph limit (or its non-introduction, as the case may be) on nearby roads. Nor can we understand why Grange Lane residents, for example, have been excluded from the consultation.

You can read about the scheme on Liverpool City Council's website,  and download a PDF copy of the Area 3 Consultation Plan (an extract of which is reproduced above).

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Page created 19 Oct 2015 by MRC, last updated 20 Oct 2015