BRIDGE INN, Childwall Valley Road
Outline planning application 15O/1445 proposes the demolition of the building and its replacement by a supermarket. We understand that efforts are being made to have the pub designated as an Asset of Community Value. More information here.
ROSE COTTAGE, Grange Weint
Planning application 15F/2029 to use the building as a day nursery for 12 children, with living accommodation above. The Planning Dept's deadline for comments is 29th October. We have submitted an objection on traffic grounds, fearing that cars dropping-off/picking-up children on the corner of Grange Lane, or reversing in Grange Weint, will be hazardous.
Planning application 15F/2296 to erect a three-storey block of 9 apartments to the rear of the former brewery building. When the original scheme for this site was submitted in 2006, we objected to this newbuild element and suggested that a low-rise 'mews-style' development would be more appropriate. We are likely to be reiterating this view. The deadline for comments to the Planning Dept is 12th November. More information here.
FALSTAFF SITE, Gateacre Park Drive
Application 15F/1550 to vary conditions attached to permission 13F/0625 (see our May 2014 Newsletter). The new houses have been built closer to Gateacre Park Drive than originally envisaged, and we are seeking reassurances about the promised 'green strip' alongside the road. More information here.
Application 14F/1948 to build a pair of semi-detached bungalows to the rear (see our January 2015 Newsletter) was granted planning permission on 27th May. We have questioned why this decision was taken by planning officers using 'delegated powers' - rather than being referred to the Planning Committee - bearing in mind that objections had been submitted. The permission is subject to a condition that a detailed site investigation be carried out, and a remediation strategy be drawn up to deal with any contaminants, before building work commences.
Application 15F/0359 to build 10 houses (see our May Newsletter) was approved by the Council's Planning Committee on 28th July. It is subject to a legal agreement being signed, regarding the payment to the Council of £10,000 in lieu of open space provision on site. The original plan to include security gates - to which we had objected - was withdrawn.