Our next meeting:
'Worth A Guinea A Box':
The Beecham Story
An illustrated talk by
Pauline Hurst
on Sunday 22nd March at 2 pm
in Gateacre Chapel, Gateacre Brow L25 3PB
"Worth a Guinea a Box" was the slogan used by Beechams for many years. The Beecham factory was in St Helens, and from the outset the family's very innovative advertising campaign made the business into a multi-million pound industry spreading across the world. With the use of local archives, newspapers and photographs, Pauline Hurst will explore their interesting, and sometime controversial family history. She will start with Thomas Beecham, the founder, who is well-remembered by many local people as an extrovert, then go on to look at his son Sir Joseph Beecham - twice Mayor of St Helens - and grandson Sir Thomas Beecham, the conductor. A lot of advertising memorabilia will be available to view.
ALL WELCOME - Admission free - Donations invited
Page created 10 Mar 2015 by MRC