Our next meeting:
'A Bridge to Prosperity'
A talk by
Bernie Carr

on Monday 17th October
at 7.30 p.m. in Gateacre Chapel, Gateacre Brow L25 3PB

The Mersey Gateway bridge is currently rising out of the Mersey and, within the next 15 months, will become one of the North West's most iconic structures. The £1.6 billion project is a key part of improving the transport infrastructure for the Merseyside area, particularly for the expansion of Liverpool Airport and the Port of Liverpool.

Bernie Carr is one of about 30 community volunteers with Merseylink: the consortium who are designing, building and will eventually operate the bridge and its associated roads. His talk will cover the scope and benefits of the project, the design of the bridge, construction methods, timetable, progress to date, operation of the bridge, the future of the existing Silver Jubilee Bridge, and where to get further information.

ALL WELCOME - Admission free - Donations invited

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