Our next meeting:


A talk by Alice Bennett
on Monday 4th April at 7.30 p.m.
in Gateacre Chapel, Gateacre Brow L25 3PB

Eleanor Rigby Whitfield, the granddaughter of stonemason John Rigby, was born in Woolton village in 1895. She was 'buried along with her name' - as Eleanor Rigby Woods - in St Peter's churchyard in 1939. This talk is a socio-cultural historical view of her life. It will focus on the domestic and the personal, provide an insight into working-class family life, and consider the difficulties of being an Edwardian and post-WW1 female. Alice Bennett's 'detective work' was triggered by the discovery of one of Eleanor's schoolbooks. She will talk about this, and other Rigby family artefacts, and will speculate on the coincidence of the connection to the Beatles.

ALL WELCOME - Admission free - Donations invited

Photo of the Rigby gravestone © Mike Chitty 2016
Read Mike's review of Alice Bennett's talk here

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showing Gateacre Chapel

Read Eleanor Rigby - The Story Beyond The Grave on the 'Beatles Liverpool & More' website

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Page created 25 Mar 2016 by MRC, last updated 19 Sep 2017