Above: Childwall Woods today

Above: 'Chester City Walls' off Childwall Lane

(Continued from previous page)

After the closure of the College in the 1980s, the future of the open area was in doubt - it was considered for housing development at one time - but ultimately it was decided to keep it as a nature reserve and informal recreation area. The Friends of Childwall Woods & Fields have been very active in securing its preservation, and have plans for its further improvement. Their volunteers support the City Council by carrying out various maintenance tasks.

The College buildings were sold to Phil Redmond's Mersey TV company. Part became the Brookside 'shopping parade', and later on doubled as Chester for Hollyoaks. Access to the woods is from Childwall Abbey Road, Countisbury Drive, Woolton Road and Quickswood Close. They and the fields - which can be entered either from the woods or from Childwall Lane - remain a popular venue for family outings, dog walkers and anyone else seeking peace and quiet, fresh air and exercise.

The Friends of Childwall Woods and Fields have published a series of 'Web Walks':
Walk 1
- The Carriageway and The Grounds of  Childwall Hall
Walk 2
- The Grounds of Childwall Hall
Walk 3
- The Top Field, and through the Willow Plantation
Walk 4
- The Veteran Trees

Read also: Jonathon Wild's
History of Childwall Hall
Ronnie Hughes's
Wildflower Hunting at Childwall Abbey
, June 2020

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