As part of the recent refurbishment, the outdoor drinking area between the pub and Gateacre Chapel was fitted with 'festoon lighting' suspended between wooden poles, which extend onto the grass verge alongside Gateacre Brow. This provoked complaints from nearby residents, and led to the submission of a retrospective planning application (20F/0918). Although permission has now been granted, the intensity of the lights is subject to strict limits. (Condition 4 specifies that "All external lighting fittings shall be orientated so that measurements taken at any nearby habitable roomed windows do not exceed 6 lux").
A few weeks later, a timber fence was erected along the western boundary of the pub car park. Although mostly a replacement for one that was there before, it has eradicated much of the previously-landscaped strip, and has hidden the historic 'flagstone fence' featured in our Jan.2020 Newsletter. A retrospective planning application (20F/1943) has been submitted, but has not as yet been determined. In our comments to the Planning Dept, we objected to the section of fence nearest to Gateacre Brow, arguing that it is harmful to the character of the Conservation Area and to the setting of 10 Gateacre Brow - a listed building.
Finally, on the other side of the car park, two sycamore trees are threatening the stability of the Chapel's ancient boundary wall. Five years ago we suggested that these trees should be felled, and replaced by more-appropriate (less-damaging) species. Nothing has been done, however, and we have recently asked the pub's owners to reconsider our request.