Web Pages from the Gateacre Society

Left: Google Maps 3D View of the Woolton Park-Byron Court-Glenacres-Acrefield Road pedestrian route.
(Click to enlarge)

took place on five days in March-August 2018

was announced in December 2018

Read our
Statement of Case
, January 2018, our
List of Documents

and our
Proofs of Evidence

Read the Objectors'
Statement of Case,
Appendices and
Proofs of Evidence

Read the documents submitted by
Liverpool City Council

Read the
Closing Statements
made on behalf of the Objectors, the Applicant and the Order Making Authority


Our Right of Way Claim
May 2016

The Definitive Map Modification Order
December 2016

about the DMMO

Our Submission
Liverpool City Council,
January 2017

The Planning Inspectorate announces
that a Public Inquiry is to be held

The Notice of Public Inquiry
is published, January 2018

In early March 2016, a brick wall was built at the top of Glenacres (off Acrefield Road) preventing people from walking through to Woolton Park. This means long detours for people living in Glenacres, Hollytree Road, etc., who want to visit Reynolds Park on foot, and similar detours for people in the Woolton Park area who want to reach the bus stops in Acrefield Road. For many years we have campaigned for the protection of local public rights of way, and this path was on a list of 21 that we submitted to the City Council in 2002. Unfortunately, it seems that our list was lost, because the highways and planning officers' advice to the owners of Byron Court - the private block of apartments adjacent to Glenacres - was that they did not need permission to block off the access.

We have pointed out that, under the Highways Act 1980, a Public Right of Way exists if people have been able to walk along a route for 20 or more years - which they have in this case - without hindrance. Also, when planning permission was given to build Byron Court (on the site of the Council-owned Acrefield Bank care home) in 1999, it was subject to a condition that "Prior to the commencement of development, full details of the means and method of closure (to vehicular traffic) of the access between Woolton Park and Acrefield Road … shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. For the avoidance of all doubt, the agreed method of closure shall be designed to safely and conveniently accommodate pedestrian and cycle access".

(The above article first appeared, under the title 'Glenacres - A Lost Public Right of Way' -  in the Gateacre Society's May 2016

If you are concerned about any other lost or threatened Public Right of Way in Liverpool, left-click here to download a copy of  Liverpool City Council's full Rights of Way 'claim pack'

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Page created 25 Jan 2017 by MRC, last updated 22 Dec 2018