Properties For Sale By Auction 1756-1916

These advertisements – published in the Liverpool press and relating to properties in the Little Woolton, Much Woolton and nearby areas – were transcribed, from material held in the Liverpool Record Office, by Joan Borrowscale on behalf of the Gateacre Society.

[JB’s comments are included within square brackets]

(1) Williamsons Advertiser Friday 23 July 1756

To be Sold to the highest bidder at the dwelling house of David Edwardson – Innkeeper at Gateacre, within Little Woolton on Thursday next 19th August at two o’clock.

A new and well built messuage or dwelling house with convenient out-buildings in Wavertree 3 acres of land now or late Copyhold of Inheritance In the possession of Stephen Knutsford.
Apply to John Hodgkinson in Prescot – Attorney

(2) Williamsons General Advertiser 1st September 1758

To be sold at the house of David Edwardson The Black Bull at Gateacre, Little Woolton on Friday 2 September 1758 at 3.0 o’clock in the afternoon – A Messuage or dwelling house with convenient outbuildings and about 15 acres of land – large measure scituate near Gateacre Little Woolton and about 4 miles from Liverpool The same premises being commonly known by the name of ‘NAYLORS ESTATE’ subject to a copyhold rent of eight shillings as year to the Lord of the Manor.

For further particulars apply to Mr William Barrow at Gateacre.

N.B. The buildings are all newly erected fitting and convenient for Gentleman or Farmer.

(3) Williamsons General Advertiser January 1759

To be sold by Auction together or in separate parcels on Thursday 8 February 1759 at 4.0 o’clock at the house of William Davis The Bear and Ragged Staff at Gateacre

Two Messuages and Tenements with outbuildings fit for two farms. One known by the name of ‘Nodsbys’ and the other by ‘Rishton/Bisphams’ in Little Woolton, Gateacre 20 acres of arable pasture and meadow land of the large measure. Yearly value of £40 per ann. One messuage and 4 acres is Freehold land of Inheritance the remaining is Copyhold rent of ten shillings and ninepence to the Lord of the Manor.

Particulars to Mr Richard Wood or Mr William Barrow at Gateacre. There is plenty of fine marle lying in the said premises very proper for improvement.

[N.B. Land Tax 1759 – Richard Woods for Nodsbys, late Athertons. Part of Lee]

(4) Williamsons General Advertiser – 2nd March 1759


TO BE SOLD to the best bidder on Saturday 17th March 1759 at the house of David Edwardson Black Bull Gateacre

An Estate in Little Woolton near Netherley Bridge late Entwistles now Wilkinsons 4 miles from Liverpool consisting of 17 Cheshire acres of land and upwards. 4 acres are copyhold and the rest remaining Freehold in the holding of Daniel Robinson. The house and outbuildings are of brick and slated in good repair.

For further particulars enquire of Mr Samuel Wilkinson – Attorney at Law in Middlewich or Mr Thomas Panker, Lombard St. London

[The above refers to PECK MILL HOUSE – as Manorial documents to hand].

(5) 29 April 1763

To be let 2 houses in Woolton either for a year or for a summer season and enter on immediately. One is ready furnished whoever is minded to take the same apply to James Finch near the Black Bull, Gateacre 4 miles from Liverpool

(6) Williamsons Advertiser 2nd November 1764

To be sold – All that Freehold and Copyhold Estate called ‘THROSTLE NEST’ in Little Woolton 4 miles from Liverpool 1 mile from Prescot and adjoining the London Road in a good coal county containing 11a 1r 31p large measure 8 yards to the road lying altogether without any paths throughout Well wooded, water and liable to great improvements with convenient buildings having a large house, walled garden and orchard suitable for any Gentleman’s family also a good farm house and great convenienced outbuildings for a Farmer – All pleasantly situated.

Any persons minded to purchase my apply to Mr William Rowe – Attorney at Law in Liverpool or to Mr Thomas Hales in Little Woolton who will show the premises

(7) Friday April 8 1768


To be let for a Term of years or sold by private treaty

All that messuage, dwelling house, stables, chaise house, gardens, orchard with upwards of 10 acres standard measure of very rich and well improved land, situated in a very pleasant country and a healthy air being in LITTLE WOOLTON, County of Lancaster, 5 miles from Liverpool and 3 from Prescot now in the possession of Mr Thomas Hales. Stables being capable of holding 16 horses and cows and divided into large, single and two stalled and 4 stalled with a large dutch barn adjoining the doors. a leaping rail, cold houses, cold house, granary and other conveniences for breeding cattle and poultry. The land is divided into Paddocks etc. by high cut fences in which are planted fruit, elm and other timber trees. Some excellent springs. Gardens are stocked with choice fruit trees, standard and espaliers. Flowers and flowering shrubs. Any persons minded to purchase or take the premises may also have most of the furniture as it now stands and any part of the money remains on interest. Land is Copyhold and some Freehol.

Apply to Mr Thomas Hales Snr. who will show the premises or to Thomas Hales Jnr. in Hales Street, Liverpool who hath let.
A well accustomed house known by the sign of Dublin City situate in New Market adjoining to Kenyons Steps suitable for a shop or public house.
Also several houses in Hailes St. suitable for private families

This advertisement will not be continued

[The above must be the Belle Vale Hall Estate, and was up for sale in February 1770 – late James Whitfield.]

(8) Liverpool General Advertiser Friday February 2 1770


All that messuage or tenement stables chaise-house, garden and orchard with upwards of 10 acres (statute measure) of very rich and well improved land situate in a pleasant country and healthy air being in Little Woolton in the county of Lancaster. 5 miles from Liverpool and three from Prescot now in the possession of Mr Thomas Hales. Very suitable for a gentleman’s family. The stables being capable of holding sixteen horses and cows and divided into large, single, two-stalled, and four-stalled with a large dutch barn adjoining the doors., a leaping rail, colt house, cart houses, granary and every convenience for breeding cattle and poultry. The land is divided into paddocks etc. by find high cut fences in which are planted fruit , elm and other timber trees and contains some excellent springs; the gardens are stacked with fruit trees, both standards and espaliers, flowers and flowering shrubs and are laid out in a useful and genteel taste.

Any person mindful to purchase the premises may have any part of the money remains on interest.
Note: The land is copyhold and some freehold.

For particulars apply to Mr Thomas Hales, in Hales St. Liverpool

A single house Chaise to be sold.
Thomas Hales – 10 Hales St. Dale Street, Liverpool

[Belle Vale Estate ??]

(9) Liverpool Advertiser Friday March 9 1770

To be lett – and may be entered on immediately

A very good convenient house, suitable for a Gentleman’s family with a good stable, an exceedingly good garden, and all other conveniences with or without pasture or meadow land. Situate at Gateacre near the Chapel.

For further particulars apply to Mr William Stanistreet – Brewer, Lord St. Liverpool

[Throstles Nest re Land Tax. JB]

(10) Liverpool Advertiser February 22 1771

To be Sold by way of Auction

At the house of Mr Banner at the sign of the Fleece in Liverpool upon Saturday the 23rd February 1771 at six o’clock in the evening according to such conditions as will then and there produced.

The Fee Simple and Inheritance of and in all that messuage or dwelling house with the malt kiln, buildings, gardens, orchards and the several closes, closures or parcels of land thereto belonging situate and being in Halewood in the county of Lancaster containing by estimation 21 acres of land or thereabouts, late the inheritance of James Barrow, maltster deceased and now in the possession of John Cross as tenant thereof.
The buildings are all brick and slate and mostly new, the garden walled round and well planted and the estate is distant from Liverpool six miles. Prescot three miles, and from Warrington eight miles

The said John Cross will shew the premises to any body minded to view the same; and for further particulars apply to Mess. Turner and Kerfoot of Warrington.

(11) Gores Advertiser Friday March 27 1772

To be Sold by Auction

At the house of Christopher Hayes in Wavertree nr. Liverpool on Monday 6th day of April next at 4 o’clock in the afternoon agreeable to conditions of sale in the following lots.

Lot 1 All that close or parcel of land situate lying and being in Wavertree (being an allotment of the commons of Wavertree) at the fourth end of Wavertree Green and adjoining the road on the north side that leads from Hamilton Fir Nook towards Gateacre and on the east side of the road leading past the house of William Whitfield and bounded on the west and north by several allotments late of Mr Wm Pickavance and Mr H.H. Lake containing 1a 2r. 17 pch. after 8 yards to the road.

Lot 2 All that other close or parcel of land lying in Wavertree aforesaid
(being another allotment as aforesaid) on the south side of the road leading from Hamiltons Fir Nook towards Gateacre and on the east and south by the roads leading to Wavertree Mill, and on the West by an allotment to the said Mr Pickvance containing 1 acre and 26 perches of like measure.

Lot 3 All that other close or parcel of land lying in Wavertree aforesaid
being another allotment, the north end thereof leading to Wavertree Mill, and on the east by a road to the said mill leading from Smethdown Lane to Childwall Church bounded on the south end of the last mentioned road, and on the west by an allotment to the said Mr Pickvance containing 4 acres of the like measure.

NB The above premises are well marled and in good order: and were allotted to Rev. Mr Dannett of Wavertree under and by virtue of an act of Parliament for inclosing the commons there.

For further particulars apply to the said Mr Dannett or James Clegg Attorney at Law, in Liverpool

(12) Liverpool General Advertiser – February 28 1772

To be Sold by Auction

At the house of David Edwardson in Gateacre on Monday 2nd day of March next at three o’clock in the afternoon.

The Fee simple and inheritance of and in a field a Close or parcel of land lying in Much Woolton known by the name of WATER GATE MEADOW in the possession of Thomas Potter as undertenant thereof containing 1 acre of land or thereabouts. Also all that croft or close of land situate in Much Woolton opposite Woolton Hall (on which now standing a small cottage) in the possession of the said Mr Thomas Potter containing half an acre of land or thereabouts. Well situated for building a country house thereon for a gentleman’s family as the situation is very healthy and commanding a very extensive prospect.

For a view of the premises apply to the tenant And for further particulars apply to Mr Robinson – Attorney in Liverpool

(13) Gore General Advertiser Friday 28th April 1775


To be lett at Gateacre and entered on immediately at a small rent a Neat House consisting of a cellar, kitchen, hall, wainscot parlour, pantry, store room with 4 good lodging rooms and a neat good fertile gardens in which is now sown beans, peas and various sorts of salading as likewise is growing fine artichokes and cabbage plants, is also well stocked with gooseberry, currant, plumbs and apple trees with a good assortment of flowering shrubs and flowers etc. Being very pleasantly situated and for a summers retirement. Late in the occupation of Capt. David Perry – deceased.
Apply to William Barrow at Gateacre, Little Woolton

NB The above premises will be lett for a year or longer term.

(14) Liverpool General Advertiser 2nd June 1775

To be let and entered upon immediately in Wavertree a Messuage or Dwelling house with coach house, stable and gardens called ‘Mosley Hill’ with 11a of land and more if required. If the remainder of the
land belonging to the estate be not let before 12th instant, cattle will be taken upon it for the summer season

For more particulars enquire of Mrs Ogden, at Mosley Hill

NB Gardens are now in highest perfection.

(15) Liverpool General Advertiser – Friday 1 September 1775

To be sold by auction at the Talbot Inn in Wavertree Saturday 14th October at 3.0 pm in the afternoon

An Estate in Gateacre nr. Childwall including an Old Messuage or dwelling house with outbuildings consignous about 5 acres of good pasture land being partly freehold, and part copyhold estate of Inheritance of Henry Youd as tenant at will, together with the right of pasture on the common or waste land in Much Woolton. Also a neat dwelling house adjoining these premises.

Apply to M/s Colquitt and Brown, Attorneys in Liverpool and for a view to Mr Youd the tenant.

(16) Gore General Advertiser October 6 1775

To be sold by Auction at the Talbot Inn in Wavertree on Saturday 14 October 1775

An Estate in Gateacre nr. Childwall consisting of an old messuage or dwelling house with outbuildings contiguous and about 5 acres of land, and good pasture being part Freehold and part Copyhold. Estate of Inheritance now in the possession of Henry Youd as tenant at will, together with a right of pasture on the common or waste land in Much Woolton. Also a neat dwelling house adjoining these premises.

Apply to Messrs. Colquitt & Brown Attorney at Law in Liverpool who have several sums of money to put out to interest either on good Bond Security or Mortgage and for a view of the premises to Mr Youd the tenant.

(17) Williamsons General Advertiser 1776

To be let for a term of years to be agreed upon

All that Pool of water and the mill on the same and known by the name of Otterspool. The Mill etc has lately been built at a very considerable expense and used by M/s Tate and Alexander in the manufacture of Tobacco and Snuff. At a very small expense it may be converted into a corn-mill or to any other person in which a great power of water is wanted.

Two houses with other conveniences for workmen and a few acres of land will be let with the said mill. The situation is remarkably eligible being within three miles of Liverpool. A boat can load or unload at tide-time on the quay adjoining to the mill.

Mr J. Weston of Halewood Green will shew the premises and treat with any person inclined to take them.

(18) Williamsons Advertiser 18th October 1776

TO BE LETT and entered upon at Candlemas 2nd May next

A Farm known by the name of LEE in Little Woolton 5 miles from Liverpool containing 75 acres of land p- Cheshire measure.

Also to be lett and entered upon at the above time, one other Farm known by the name of NETHERLEY ESTATE containing 18 acres of land of the large measure.

Apply to James Okill at Lee

(19) Liverpool General Advertiser January 11 1781

TO BE LET and entered upon at pleasure

A genteel modern built dwelling house situate in Little Woolton about 5 miles from Liverpool with or without any quantity of high improved land not exceeding 40 acres. There are good gardens and shrubberies, coach house, stables and other good offices. Suitable for a Gentleman’s family.

Jos. Fowden, Liverpool

(20) Williamsons Liverpool Advertiser 19 April 1781

To be let in the neighbourhood of LEE in Little Woolton with or without an acre and a half of land. A Commodious handsome dwelling house with a good garden, stables and shippon suitable for a Gentleman’s family

For particulars apply to Thomas Foster at Gateacre.

(21) 24th May 1781 (ex Bertie Barton to Elizabeth Bibby)

To be sold by Auction on Thursday 3rd June at 4.0 o’clock at the house of Mrs Davies at the sign of the Bear and Ragged Staff at Gateacre

A Messuage with several closes of land, a messuage and newly erected dwelling house situate in Little Woolton containing 3 acres and five pence rent of land of the messuage now in the occupation of George Barlow as undertenant.

(22) Williamsons Liverpool Advertiser 1 April. 1784


A dwelling house together with a small dwelling house adjoining Stables and gardens situate fronting the road leading from Gateacre towards Halewood Green containing to the front 43 yards and runs in a depth backwards 83 yards. The property is Freehold of Inheritance and now in the occupation of Mrs Mawdsley and her undertenant

For further particulars apply to Mr Lowe, Attorney at Law in Drury
Lane, Liverpool


TO BE LET for a year or years and entered upon at leasure

A good modern built dwelling house consisting of a hall 2 parlours, kitchen, pantry, brewhouse, cellars, stables etc with good lodging rooms garrets etc. The above dwelling house is situate at Gateacre in Little Woolton about 5 miles from Liverpool/ It is very suitable for a genteel family and was lately in the occupation of the Rev. Mr Godwin dec. and will be let with or without 9 acres of very good meadow and pasture land.

For further particulars apply to Nehemiah Brownhill at Allerton Hall, or Henry Harper – Halewood

[Is this The Nook ?]

(24) Williamsons Liverpool Advertiser June 7 1790

LOT 1 To be sold by Auction at the house of Peggy Edwardson at the sign of the BULL Gateacre All that messuage and outbuildings in Little Woolton known by the name of CRABTREE HOUSE together with 4 closes containing 4 acres two of which are Freehold two of which of Copyhold

LOT 2 2 closes of freehold land opposite the above mentioned messuage in which is supposed a valuable bed of mug clay. All premises in possession of Mr John Davies as tenant

Apply to Mr J. Leigh Bassnet St. Liverpool

(25) 10 September 1792

To be peremptorily sold in the High Court of Chancery 18th September 1792 An Estate part Freehold and Part Copyhold of Inheritance called THE HOLT OR BRETTARGH HOLT situate in Little Woolton consisting of a mansion house stable, barn outbuildings and about 177 acres of meadow, pasture land now in the possession of John Atherton as tenant at Will together with a seat in Childwall Church.

To view part of the Estate enquire at the Chambers of Peter Holford Esq., one of the Masters of the Court of Chancery, Chancery Lane, London


To be sold by auction at Mrs Murphy’s The Star and Garter in Paradise St. Liverpool on Wednesday 22nd November next at Four o’clock in the afternoon

Lot 1 A Capital Estate, part freehold and part copyhold of Inheritance called THE HOLT Otherwise Brettargh Holt in Little Woolton in the County of Lancaster. Also a small estate Copyhold of Inheritance consisting of a Mansion House, stables, barns, and other buildings and 180 acres of arable, pasture and meadow land all lying in a Ring Fence. In a very pleasant and agreeable neighbourhood within 6 miles of Liverpool, 3 of Prescot, and 10 of Warrington. A consistant stream of water sufficient in the driest season to work a mill requiring great power, runs through the larger estate, which is capable of great improvement, having plenty of marl, and under most part there is supposed to be coal.

The HOLT ESTATE is in the possession of the owner Mr William Dobb and may be entered upon immediately and the CRABTREE ESTATE at Candlemass. The Freehold parts of the HOLT are subject to a yearly chief rent of 1s 6d; and the Copyhold parts of the same estate to a yearly rent of 12s 1d; to the Lady of the Manor of Little Woolton. The CRABTREE estate is also subject to a small yearly rent.

(27) Liverpool Mercury July 1799

At Mrs Dentons……….

(Lot 1) A close of land in Much Woolton called Doe Park containing 2 ½ acres of the measure of 8 yards to the perch.

(Lot 2) Two closes called ‘SANDFIELDS’ containing about 1 ½ acres of the like measure.

(Lot 3) Another close called the ‘Out Lane’ containing ½ acre of the like measure.


To be sold by Auction at the house of Henry Forshaw the Globe Tavern, John Street, Liverpool on Monday 12 May 1800

The Valuable Freehold Estate of COCKSHUT in the township of Little Woolton about 5 miles from Liverpool consisting of a good and substantial farm house with suitable outbuildings and about 62a 1r 2p of land of the statute measure in a high state of cultivation now in the possession of William Roby as tenant thereof under a lease which will expire on the 11 May

On this estate there is a considerable quantity of valuable old and young timber.



At Forshaw’s the Globe Tavern, in John Street, Liverpool on Wednesday the 10th September inst. at 6.0’clock in the evening.

A FIELD, freehold of inheritance, in Great Woolton in the County of Lancaster, commanding a most delightful and extensive prospect of land and water and containing by a late admeasurement 3A 2R 10P, Together by a newly built house at present unoccupied or part thereof erected. This field is on the left of the road leading from Mr Weston’s house at Gateacre to the village of Great Woolton and besides in a high state of cultivation and has many advantages of having many grown trees in it and an unlimited right of passage on the common; stone and other materials for enlarging the building or having other improvements, may be had in the neighbourhood at considerable less rate than in Liverpool.

Mrs Denton will shew the premises and any further information may be had at the office of Edward Blackstock, attorney, in Matthew Street, where a plan may also be seen.

(30) General Advertiser Thursday 2 May 1805

To be sold by Private Contract

Two fields in Little Woolton Freehold of Inheritance lying between the Common and Folly Lane about 200 yards from the lane leading from Wavertree to Childwall containing 4a 3r 17p of land of the Cheshire measure.

Mr Mercer of Allerton will point out the land to any person desiring it, and for other particulars apply to John Cockett, Lord St. Liverpool

(31) Friday August 9th 1816

County Residence – To be sold with immediate possession

A commodious well built dwelling house with suitable outbuildings. A good garden, meadow and pasture land of excellent quality comprising 11 statute acres of which the Land Tax is redeemed – Situate in Gateacre. The house Garden, and Orchard may be had alone or with a barn, stable and cottage exclusive of the property if desired.

Apply to Thomas Nicholson, 15 Leigh Street, Liverpool who has on sale Irish linen in assortments and warehouse rooms and a dry cell or to be let.

[‘The Nook’]

(32) 17th January 1817

A valuable p[lot of land well filled with forest and other trees surrounded by a stone fence 10 statute acres together with a stone fence of 10 statute acres together with a modern built cottage, coachhouse, stable for 4 horses. Walls for a hot house in Little Woolton 4 miles from Liverpool and now in the occupation of R.F. Breed Esq. The land has been brought into a high state of cultivation at considerable expense. It commands a very extensive and beautiful prospect

(33) Liverpool Mercury 16 February 1816

For Sale by Auction early in the spring if not disposed of in the meantime by Private Contract.

All that excellent and well built cottage most beautifully situated in the Township of Little Woolton with the gardens, hot walls, a four-stalled stable, coachhouse, outbuildings together with a field, or close of land containing in the whole 10 statute acres and inclosed on all sides with a stone wall; now in the occupation of R.F. Breed Esq. The above premises are Freehold.

For particulars enquire of J.B. Dwerryhouse MD 4, Bold St. or W.T. Thompson – Solicitor, Castle St. Liverpool

NB: Wanted a sum of £2000 or £2500 on mortgage of good Freehold Security.

[Liverpool Directory 1816 – Richard Foster Breed, Merchant, Kirkdale]

(34) Liverpool Mercury 28 May 1819


A GOOD FAMILY HOUSE late in the occupation of Mr Thomas Helsby – pleasantly situate in the Valley of Gateacre on the road leading from Childwall to Halewood with or without two fields adjoining the same; containing about 3 acres off land of the large measure with convenient outbuildings.

For particulars apply to Henry and Jas. Wainwright – Timber Merchants, Simpson St. or to Mary Wainwright, Little Woolton

(35) Liverpool Mercury 4 May 1821


To be let for a term of years with immediate possession and Establishment, that eligible residence and establishment comprising an excellent dwelling house, coach house, stable, outbuildings, large productive hothouse, garden, pleasure ground and field. Most delightfully situate at Woolton called ‘DOE PARK’. The house comprises drawing room, dining room, breakfast room, parlour, and study. 6 convenient bed-rooms, kitchen, pantry, scullery, cellars, and every convenience for a respectable family.

May be viewed by applying on the premises. Terms and particulars may be known on application to Mr Winstanley, Clayton St. Liverpool

(36) Liverpool Mercury July 6th 1821

On Saturday 14th July at the George Inn:

A Messuage and garden Copyhold of Inheritance situate on the east side of the road from the village of Gateacre to Halewood, now occupied by Mr Peter Pearson. The house 11 yards front; 2 parlours, kitchen, store room, scullery, wash-house and pantry on the first floor with terras cistern. 4 bedrooms on the 2nd floor and bedrooms for servants in the attic. Good cellars. 2 stalled stable and piggery. Well stocked garden. All 1600 sq.yds. House in the valley…

Lace, Miller and Lace, Solicitors, Castle St.

(37) Liverpool Mercury July 6th 1821

On Wednesday 1 August 1821 at the George Inn

The Mansion stables, outbuildings, grounds comprising the eastern part of the beautiful and valuable estate in Wavertree called ‘SANDOWN’ containing 19 statute acres formerly in the occupation of Mr Willis Earle. Copyhold of Inheritance. An abundance of healthy young timber growing. One of the most elegant and beautiful in the vicinity.

Apply to Richard Brooke, Solicitor 69 Castle St.

In part separate from the western portion of estate by a Sunken Fence.

(38) Liverpool Mercury June 1st 1821

On Monday next 4th instant at the Saddle Inn, Vernon Street

All that neat and commodious Chapel in Waterloo St. Wavertree with a small piece of ground behind same in use as a yard. This Chapel is fitted with pews and is a desirable place of Worship for a small congregation. Underneath the Chapel is a Schoolroom which is let to a tenant from year to year at £12 p.a. Copyhold of Inheritance. Immediate possession.

Apply to Mr Robinson – Solicitor, Tarlton St.

(39) Liverpool Mercury Friday August 3 1821

To be sold by Private Contract and entered on immediately

ETON HOUSE with the whole or part of the land attached to it. For particulars inquire of Dr Crompton at Eton House or at the Porter Brewery, Scotland Road

(40) Liverpool Mercury September 22nd 1826 Page 94 Col. 2


The new Woolton Church was consecrated by the Bishop of Chester on Saturday last. This was built by subscription from the neighbouring gentry, after designs by Mr Daniel Stewart of Warren Street. It is a simple Grecian structure. The building we understand has not cost £1400. On Sunday a charity sermon was preached for the Woolton schools. A collection of £37 was made.

[This is a news item, not an auction announcement, but may nevertheless be of interest. JB]


SALE BY AUCTION at the George Inn 13 January 1827

All that modern built Mansion situate in Little Woolton, farm house, stable, barn and outbuildings – WOOLTON LODGE containing 35 statute acres of land mainly pasturage now in the occupation of Dr Winstanley encompassed by a stone wall with fine views of Aigburth, Speke, Hale, the windings of the River Mersey being an equal distance from Childwall Parish Church, and Wavertree – Freehold


On Friday 2nd March 1827 at the Golden Lion – Dale St.

Dwelling house and garden in Little Woolton now in the occupation of Mrs Wainwright. Also a farm house and outbuildings and several closes of land cntg 13a 3r 6p of the large measure now in the occupation of Thomas Gore.

Dwelling housed, cottage, and garden and field in Naylor Lane, Little Woolton cntg 2a 0r 9p. of the large measure now in the occupation of John Bond.

Piece of land part of Little Woolton common cntg 1a 2r 13p now in the possession of Abraham Lowe

(43) 5 January 1827
Timber in Childwall, Little Woolton and Wavertree to be sold by ticket. on Friday 19th instant at the premises of William Jackson – Childwall Abbey 23 lots of Oak, Ash, Beech – Timber growing on farms in Little Woolton, Childwall and Wavertree in several occupation of Reps. of the late William Owens, Ellen Peers, Edward Webster, John Ashcroft, John A Case Esq., Henry Houlgrave, William Owen, Ann Davies, John Dunbabin. The representative tenants of Mr Williams the gardener of Childwall Hall will show the timber.

(44) LIVERPOOL MERCURY February 3 1832

Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Estate in Halewood, of the late Richard Weston Esq., on Friday next the 10th instant at three o’clock in the afternoon at the house of Mr Adams, at the sign of the ‘Grapes’ in Much Woolton subject to conditions

(Lot 1) A piece of land on the eastwardly side of Ditton with the two cottages (the road leading from Halewood Green to Ditton) erected called the MILL RING COTTAGES containing 8a: 1a 20r of the measure of eight yards to the perch and in the several occupations of Roger Harrison and Thomas Hayes. This lot is held under the Earl of Derby for three lives aged 62; 65; and 71 years.

(Lot 2) A piece of land with two cottages thereon erected situate on the road leading from Little Woolton towards Halewood Green, cntg 1a 28r in the several occupations of Henry Aspinall and John Chadwick. Another piece of land with the cottage thereon erected situate on the road leading from Little Woolton towards Halewood containing 1a 20r. Also another piece of land with the cottage thereon erected situate on the road leading from Gateacre towards Ditton containing 3a and 14r of the like measure in the occupation of William Jennion. This lot is also held under the Earl of Derby for 2 lives aged 32 and 49 years

(Lot 3) A Messuage or Farm House with the outbuildings, garden and several closes of land belonging containing 7a and 38r the building in the occupation of William Hunter and the land late of the said Richard Weston. This lot is also held under the Earl of Derby for one life aged 72 years.

(Lot 4) An excellent Messuage or Dwelling house with the commodious and substantial outbuildings, walled garden and four hot houses and several closes of land belonging containing 11a 2r 23p late in the occupation of Richard Weston. This lot is also held under the Earl of Derby for one life of 62 years.

(Lot 5) A Messuage or Farm house and outbuildings with the several closes or parcels of land Freehold of Inheritance…….. on the side of the road leading from Halewood towards Hunts Cross containing 52a. 2r 38p statute measure late in the occupation of the said Richard Weston bounded on the south and west by land of Mr Tarlton and on the north by land of – Blackburne Esq. and on the east by land of the Earl of Derby.

(Lot 6) A close of land, Freehold of Inheritance with four cottages recently erected thereon formerly part of Halewood Green containing 6a 2r 9p statute measure late in the occupation of Richard Weston.

(Lot 7) A pew in the Chancel of Childwall Church

(Lot 8) A pew No. 18 on the north side of the south isle in Woolton Church.

The buildings are in excellent repair and the land is in the highest state of cultivation.

James Ireland at the residence of the late Mr Weston will show the

For further particulars apply to Mr Robert Statter, Knowsley or to Messrs Leigh and Sanders, Solicitors, Basnett St. Liverpool where the plans of the estate may be seen.

(45) Liverpool Mercury 1833

TO BE LET with early possession GARDEN LODGE situate in Little Woolton with fixtures, gardens, stable, coach-house shippon, Brewhouse etc. with or without a quantity of land.

Apply to Thomas Molyneux, Little Woolton

(46) Liverpool Mercury May 8 1833

FARM IN LITTLE WOOLTON to be let for a term of 7 years all that compact farm with the farm house a commodious barn and outbuildings, situate in Naylors Lane Little Woolton near Wheat Hill containing 9a 2r 6p of the Cheshire measure, late in the occupation of William Owen immediate possession may be had.

Apply to Mr James Lowe, Solicitor, Exchange Alley, Liverpool

(47) Liverpool Mercury May 31 1833

To be let with immediate possession a cottage in Gateacre with garden and stable for 2 horses. The cottage contains 2 sitting rooms, 4 bedrooms, and servants rooms, kitchen and wash house etc…

Apply to Mrs Galan, Gateacre

(48) Liverpool Courier May 7 1834

Much Woolton To be let a Snug Cottage with garden, stable and gighouse situate on the north side of the road leading from the village of Much Woolton to Allerton, consisting of front and back parlour, a capital kitchen (with kitchen range) scullery (with terrace cistern) and dairy on the ground floor. 3 bedrooms on the 2nd floor and two good attics. The room above the kitchen is a sitting room and commands a view in a West, Northwest, and Easterly direction.

Apply to Mr Grocott, Solicitor




Very Valuable and Desirable Property Freehold in Toxteth Park, Aigburth.

(Lot 1) All that valuable Estate in Toxteth Park., Aigburth consisting of a Messuage or Dwelling House, formerly called ‘The Whitehouse’ but now ‘THE THREE SIXES’ and outbuildings, fold, garden 8 several fields or parcel of land, containing 33a. 1r 9p statute measure. The above property is Freehold of Inheritance and is bounded on the north by the High Road leading from Liverpool to Aigburth. On the East by Jerico Lane, belonging to the Earl of Sefton. On the south by the shore of the River Mersey, and on the West by Fulwood Lodge belonging to William Smith Esq.,

(Lot 2) All that field, close or parcel of land on the North side of the said road opposite Lot 1 containing 9a 1r 22p statute measure now in the possession of lot 1. This lot is Leasehold under the Earl of Sefton for the residue of a life now aged 61 years

Apply to Mr James Birkett, Solicitor, Church Alley, Liverpool or to Mr James Gill, Roscommon St. Everton

(50) Liverpool Mercury April 30 1847

Thursday 13 May at the house of Mrs Fleetwood, Bear Inn, Gateacre

(Lot 1) All that parcel of land with the dwelling house, shop warehouse, /stable, coach-house and other buildings at the bottom of Gateacre Brow, Much Woolton fronting the road leading from Liverpool to Halewood now in the occupation of Mr Richard Rushton Flour Dealer, containing in the front to the said road 52’5″ in breadth containing at the back 51’2″ and running in depth on the north side 119’6″ and on the south side 126’4″ and containing in the whole 769 ½ sq. yds.

(Lot 2) All that field now divided into two closes in Much Woolton situate at the end of a private road, leading from Gateacre Brow to the plot of land now in description and to the other land belonging to Thomas Rodick Esq., and to Mr James Gore containing 11768 sq.yds Freehold of Inheritance

Apply to Mr Richard Rushton

(51) Liverpool Mercury Friday 4 April 1851

To be let an excellent family residence called WOOLTON GROVE now in the occupation of Edward Gibbon jnr. on the ground floor entrance and backhalls, dining, drawing and breakfast rooms and study, kitchens etc… On the first floor, 6 bedrooms, 2 dressing rooms, nursery bathrooms etc. 3 good servants rooms. Large productive garden. 7 Cheshire acres of land with the usual outbuildings.

Apply on the premises.

(52) Liverpool Mercury 14 July 1854


The Capital Mansion called HILLSIDE HOUSE with stable & coach-house, greenhouses, gardens, orchards, pleasure grounds, lodge and land adjoining in a ring fence, situate in Wavertree on the north east side of Allerton Road, containing 10 acres of land statute measure now in the occupation of Archibald Sinclair Esq.

The Mansion was built a few years ago by the owner in a most substantial manner with the superintendance of the late Mr Samuel Rowland. It is pleasantly situated on an imminence, and views of Mossley Vale. Freehold of Inheritance. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to Mr Septimus Booker –

[NB: September 1859 Letters of Administration of the Personal Estate of Archibald Sinclair, late of Westham Sussex, Gent. who died 31 December 1868 at Westham. Granted to Ann Sinclair – widow and Relict. Effects under £50]

[NB: Samuel Rowland – Architect died at Cheltenham 16/10/1844. Buried St. George, Everton]

Archibald Sinclair was a Bottle, plate, and Crown Glass Merchant.

(53) PRESCOT REPORTER – Saturday 28 April 1860

To be sold by Auction by order of the Devisees in Trust of the late Mrs Adams at the Woolton Hotel on May 9th 1860

All these 7 Freehold Dwelling Houses called ‘ CHURCH TERRACE’ Church Road, Woolton with gardens in front now in the occupation of M/s Baker, Foulkes and others Rent: £60 p.a.

Property may be viewed by leave of the prospective tenure, and further particulars may be had of Mr Longton, Woolton Mills or at the office of Mr E. Ward, Solicitor, Prescot

(54) PRESCOT REPORTER June 30 1860

FOR SALE BY AUCTION – Valuable Freehold Farm

To be sold by auction by Mr Thomas Traverse at the Bull Inn, Gateacre nr. Liverpool on Monday 23 July 1860 at 7.0 o’clock in the evening precisely.

A Freehold Farm called THE GRANGE consisting of a good farm house with a cottage attached. Suitable outbuildings, orchard, garden and sundry fields. containing altogether 35a 2r 3p of land statute measure situate near the village of Gateacre in the Township of Little Woolton on the east side of the public highway leading from Gateacre to Childwall and now in the occupation of Mr John Turton as tenant from year to year.

The farm is bounded by the estates of the Marquis of Salisbury, James Mulleneaux Esq., and Mr John Kelshaw. A considerable portion thereof is from this elevated position, very desirable for building first class residences and is within easy reach of Liverpool 5 miles. The premises may be viewed on application to the tenant Mr John Tenant, Grange Farm, Gateacre and for further particulars may be had of Mr William Turton , Farmer at Hale., Mr William Lee, Grocer, Gateacre or at the office of Mr Edmund Ward, Solicitor, Prescot.

(55) Liverpool Mercury September 9 1861

Country Residence in Woolton

To be let with possession about the end of September, a most desirable country residence with 2 parlours, kitchen wash-house, 4 good bedrooms, coach-house, stable, large fruit garden with vinery and greenhouse.

At present and for the last 6 years in the occupation of Dr Rigg.

Rent £40 p.a. Apply to John White, Clayton Square.

(56) LIVERPOOL MERCURY 14 September 1861

The beautiful villa called ‘WOOLTON TOWER’ together with about 10,000 sq.yds of land on the south east side of Woolton Hill and commanding one of the most beautiful views in the neighbourhood of Liverpool. The house is substantially built of Woolton Stone, and is complete with every accommodation. The basement has commodious and well lighted cellar. The ground floor has entertaining rooms. One bedroom, kitchen, butlers pantry and store closet and above are 6 bedrooms and dressing rooms with two servants rooms and bathroom.

The foundation of the house is upon the sandstone rock and the drainage is all carried into the main drain which runs through the property. The land has been laid out in paddock and pleasure grounds by Mr Kemp. Gas pipes are laid throughout the house. A portion of the purchase money may be if desired remain on mortgage. For further particulars and cards to view apply to Stockley and Wrigley – Solicitors 16 Castle St. Liverpool.

(57) LIVERPOOL MERCURY September 4 1866

Valuable Freehold land & Dwelling house situate at Woolton Hill.

The residence of the late John Dennison Esq. deceased together with outbuildings, gardens, and grounds attached containing about 56,960 superficial sq. yds. The outbuildings comprise a coach-house, harness room, four stalled stables, carthouse, granary, gardeners cottage, and porters lodge. The gardens are well laid out and stacked with choice fruit trees in full bearing together with vinery and greenhouse. The situation of the house and grounds is exceedingly beautiful with fine prospects. Several capital building sites are on the property. It has an excellent supply of water. A considerable portion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage of the property.

Sale to be held on Thursday 20th instant and 12.0 o’clock 14 Cook St.
Apply to Messrs. Ellis and Field Solicitors 3 Fenwick St. were a plan may be viewed.

(58) Liverpool Mercury October 26 1866

By Order of the Mortgages. Valuable Freehold property in Woolton

At such time and place and in such lots as maybe hereafter announced.

All that Freehold estate usually called or known as ‘HIGH LEE’ together with two excellent Mansions thereon erected and now in the occupation of Messrs J. Vernon and J Wilson as tenants. Further particulars will be given in a future advertisement. or may be had from Messrs J & W Clare, Solicitors 24, North John St. and Messrs. Duncan & Co. Water St. – Solicitors or Mr Joseph Knight Solicitor, Newcastle, Staffordshire.

(59) LIVERPOOL MERCURY 21 November 1866

‘HIGH LEE’ Woolton Hill, most desirable residence and mansion sites. On Wednesday the 5th December next at Three for halfpast three pm at the Angel Inn, Dale St. Liverpool on one or several lots as may be decided at the time of sale (unless previously disposed of by private contract of which due notice will be given) and subject to conditions.

THE EXCELLENT and costly stone built residence HIGH LEE on the summit of Woolton Hill with the conservatories, extensive stabling and other appurtenances of a first class country residence and at present in the occupation of MR VERNON. Also the handsome and commodious residence of Mr James Wilson with conservatory and good stabling and carriage houses.

The land occupied by the whole is an area of 51,812 superficial yards including a site of an intended private road of 10 yards wide a right of use of which is reserved to the owners of the land adjoining on the east. The tenure is Freehold of Inheritance. The property is about 6 miles from Liverpool is on the western slope of the hill, and having commanding elevation has in prospect the immediate and picturesque vicinity of the River Mersey, the country beyond and the mountain district of North Wales.

The site being the red sandstone and elevated is the most salubrious in the neighbourhood of Liverpool. It has the advantage of two approaches; one by the principal road to Much Woolton by Quarry Lane and the other by the Calderstone Road and the occupation road from the Woolton High Road and on which is a good service of omnibuses. This entrance is by a handsome avenue with characteristic lodge. The land is tastefully laid out and ornamentally planted, the trees are well grown and the whole is a perfect garden. The district is supplied with water and gas, and though possessing these urban conveniences, the rural and sylvan character is perfect.

Mr Vernon’s residence may be viewed any day, between the hours of eleven and four, with card. Possession of Mr Vernon’s residence can be had forthwith. Mr Wilson has a lease of which about 2. ½ years are unexpired.

For further information and cards to view apply to Messrs. J & W Clare, Solicitors 24, North John St. Liverpool or Mr Joseph Knight Solicitor, Newcastle under Lyme.


(60) WOOLTON Saturday 19 January

Import sale of milch cows, horses, sheat, oats, hay and general stock at Gorsey Cop Farm, Little Woolton

To be sold by Thomas Traverse (per William Halsall) at the farm. 11 cows. lately calved, incalf heifers, stock bull, stirks, calves, pigs, seven drawn horses, pony and modern implements. Steam engine with churning and steaming apparatus. 3 stacks of oats, large bay and 2 stacks of wheat and hay. 700 bushells of Potatoes, 80 tons of turnips, 30 tons of mangolds. The proprietor Edward Hulme is leaving the neighbourhood.

(61) Freehold premises in Woolton by Mr Halsall at the Woolton Hotel. Freehold messuage or dwelling house with shop and premises in Quarry St. now in the occupation of Alexander Kinnear-Baker. Possession can be had on the 16th September. The tenant will show the premises

(62) Toogoods Carriage Factory, Ashton Square, Much Woolton
Two sheel family carriages at 24-35 guineas.
Pony Drags from 20 Guineas.
For sale at 35 guineas as handsome park Phoeton – quite new. Would suit Cob and Pair.

(63) At Belle Vale Farm
To be Sold by ‘Auction’, about 20 cheshire acres of Oats now growing on the Belle Vale Farm in 7 fields. To be sold in 7 lots.

(64) PRESCOT REPORTER January 6 1867
Notice is hereby given that the partnership existing between us George Fleetwood and Edward Fleetwood of Tarbock, Brewers as Fleetwood & Son has this day been DISSOLVED by mutual dissent. All debts due to and owing by Edward Fleetwood who will henceforth be received and paid by Edward Fleetwood who will carry on the business on his own account.

by us George Fleetwood and Edward Fleetwood
Edmund Ward – Solicitor at Prescot.

(65) LIVERPOOL MERCURY – Tuesday October 15th 1867

SALE BY AUCTION – Valuable Copyhold and Freehold shop and dwelling houses in Gateacre tomorrow Wednesday 16th October at the Bull Inn, Gateacre at 6.0 o’clock in the evening.

Freehold house with coachhouse and stable on he south side of Gateacre Brow having a frontage of 14 yards to the road now in the occupation of Mrs Ellen Rodick.
Freehold house with shop, bakery, and weighing machine in the occupation of William Lee and a cottage adjoining in the occupation of Henry Tarbock.
Timber yard and joiners warehouse, late in the occupation of Thomas Gore.
Two Freehold houses on the west side of Halewood Lane in the occupation of Henry Tarbock and Joseph Tarbock.
Copyhold houses, butchers shop and outbuildings in Little Woolton in the occupation of John Taylor.


(66) Tuesday 7 April 1868 by Mr Branche WOOLTON WOOD nr. Liverpool – fields, plantations, pleasure grounds, gardens, lodge, cottage stables 65 acres of land 13 bedrooms. Late in the occupation of Francis Shand Esq. – tenure Freehold.

(67) By order of Mortgagees. A commodious and well built detached house situate on the road leading from Woolton Road to Childwall. Adjoining the house occupied by G.H. Ihler Esq., 3 entertaining rooms, Billiard room, 10 bedrooms, cellaring all modern conveniences. 1 acre of Freehold land.
Apply to Richardson Oliver Jones & Bilson 10 Cook St. Liverpool
Mr Ihler at ‘ROCKFIELD’ Gateacre

(68) By order of Mortgagee – Valuable property in Woolton.
A detached Villa residence nearly completed and another detached villa in coarse of erection near junction of the Woolton and Childwall Roads. Gateacre Total quantity of land 16,000 yards. Tenure – Freehold of Inheritance. If not sold in one lot will be offered in several lots.
Apply to Richardson Jones & Bilson – Solicitors.
Reserve will be very low.

(69) Saturday 25 July 1868 – A very pretty and compact house in Little Woolton just beyond the village of Gateacre containing
Dining room 18′ x 14′ Drawing room 19’6″ x 15′
Kitchen 15′ x 13’4″ Back Kitchen 15′ x 11′
Butlers Pantry, 6 bedrooms, dressing room, bath and water closet, 2 good attics, cellars, wash-house stables for 2 horses, coach-house, well stocked kitchen garden. 3,500 yards of land – more to be had.
The house in Gateacre can be viewed by application at the lodge adjoining.
For further particulars apply to Mr J. D. Jee – Architect.
or Messrs. Lace, Banner & Co. Union Court, Liverpool

(70) LIVERPOOL MERCURY Thursday April 9th 1868


On Wednesday 29th inst. at half past one for two precisely at the Law Association rooms, Cook St. Liverpool.

ALL THAT MANSION called ‘WOOLTON WOOD; situate at Woolton nr. Liverpool with fields, plantations, pleasure grounds, gardens, lodge, cottage, stables and other outbuildings, conservatory fernery, vineries, peach and melon houses comprising about 65 acres the property and late in the occupation of Francis Shand Esq., Tenure – Freehold.

[A very large description of the grounds, and house. JB]

The Allerton and Garston station of the L & N.W. Railway is about 1 mile from the property. The land has a frontage to three roads.

(71) Liverpool Mercury 21 August 1868

by order of Mortgages. All that capital and commodious Freehold Messuage known as ‘The Laurels’ with the……. greenhouses and the orchards, yards, and lands belonging thereto containing about 10 acres situate on the east side of the road leading from Halewood to Childwall within the Manor of Little Woolton now in the occupation of Mrs Corr, together with 4 cottages on the said land. A large proportion is now available for building. To view apply to Mrs Corr on the premises or to Richardson Oliver Jones & Bilson – Solicitors.


Much Woolton, A Capital Detached Family Residence with complete out-offices, pleasure ground Gardens, orchard, grazing and building land

on Wednesday May the 19th 1869 at half past two 0’clock precisely at the Public Sale Rooms of the Law Association in Cook Street, Liverpool

in the Parish of Childwall (and which shall be divided into two lots) and the property of ROBERT CHESHYRE JANION ESQ.,

The First lot will include the excellent family residence approached by a carriage drive and fronting the Halewood Road containing a drawing room 26 feet in length by 19 feet 6 inches in breadth; dining room 21 feet and 8 inches by 16 feet 4 inches; entrance hall 16 feet x 13 feet 2 inches; Inner hall 13 feet x 12 feet; two small sitting rooms; spacious kitchens; scullery; and butlers pantry on the ground floor; nine chief bed and dressing rooms besides three servants apartments, very superior domestic offices and bathrooms; as large larder, and wine cellar in the basement perfectly dry and ventilated. The Woolton main drainage comes up to the door, there is a plentiful supply of town and soft water and the gas is laid throughout the premises, also hot water for the bedchambers. There are conservatories, vineries, and peach-houses of good proportions, large coach-houses, four stall stable and loose box, shippon and piggeries, mushroom house and servants mans room. There is a capital and productive kitchen gaden and orchard walled in. The pleasure gardens, croquet lawn are laid out with very considerable taste and planted rhododendrons, ornamental and other shrubs fully grown. the area of gardens, house and paddock 2a 3r 17p 3 yds. Also two fields of first class accommodation land, the area of the northern field 3a 31p 9 yds and the large field 3a 3r 23p 7yds making a total of 9a 3r 31p 19yds

The second lot will include the remainder of land, extending over an area of 5a 2r 20p 19yds on which there is a small plantation of trees and available for building purposes and having an extensive frontage could be so employed without interfering with or depreciating the house and grounds. It presents an admirable site for the erection of two first class residences. The house stands high and the land is of an undulating character approached by good roads within about ten minutes walk from the Woolton omnibus and 1.1/2 miles from the Speke Railway Station, and extensive views over a richly timbered tract of country. The new Railway Bridge at Runcorn and the Overton Hills can be seen distinctly on a clear day. The neighbourhood is healthful and the situation most rural and enjoyable having all the advantages of a convenient distance from town and yet of a country abode.


The Household Furniture by ‘Rainford’ highly valuable collection of paintings and drawings in water colours. Proof engravings Mezzotinta of rarity: Extraordinary fine Bronzes, Classical and Ballad Music: Dresden and Berlin China, Cellar of Wines…

All other effects of the late Thomas Dodge Esq.,



The modern and Handsome residence ‘ HIGHFIELD’ Woolton upon 4a of Freehold Lane or thereabouts with extensive frontage to the turnpike road from Liverpool to Woolton and to Denison Road in the Township of Much Woolton nr. Liverpool

The House is built most substantially and decorated and furnished internally. It contains lofty and well proportioned morning room, dining room, drawing room, library, school room, billiard room, day and night nurseries 11 bedrooms, two dressing rooms, ample kitchen accommodation and other conveniences. The outbuildings comp[rise stabling for 4 horses, carriage house, saddle and harness and grooms rooms, two cottages for men servants and suitable appurtenances.

The house is at present let to Henry Tate Esq. on a lease which expires 23 April 1873 at the annual rent of £500.

For further particulars apply to Messrs. Richardson, Oliver, Jones & Billson – Sol. 10 Cook St. Liverpool.



The Rocket Inn situate at the junction of the roads leading from Childwall & Broad Green to Old Swan with outbuildings, Stable, Shippon piggeries et c. Yard, part of garden and premises containing an area of 1215 superficial sq.yds.

The tenant is Mr Henry Wright one of the joint owners.

Apply to Henry Wright or Andsell & Son, Sol. St. Helens


SALES BY AUCTION BY MR LEE – On Thursday 1 June 1871 at the Law Association Rooms, Cook St. Liverpool

A very compact Freehold Estate known as ‘KNOWLES TENEMENT’ situate in the Township of Little Woolton, Parish of Childwall cntg21 acres and 3 perches of well cultivated land with suitable house and outbuildings as the same are now in the possession of THOMAS AND MARY TYRER. Land is suitable for agriculture, buildings or commercial purposes as in the centre of the property is a very fine spring of water.

Apply to Messrs. Lace, Banner, Newton, Bushby & Richardson – Sol., Castle St. Liverpool

(77) LIVERPOOL MERCURY 28 November 1873

By Order of the Executors of the late William Moon Esq., JP



The highly Valuable and Entire HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of a most solid and superior class, the service of plate from 700-800 ounces the contents of two wine cellars (about 200 dozen) many say of the bins of port being the highest reputation as to vintage and age of bottle; etc……

(105) Messrs. Branche & Leete respectfully give notice that the sale at the residence of the late William Moon Esq., will be conducted in the following order.

FIRST DAY Tuesday December 9th The seven bedrooms in the servants’ department, store and box rooms; Billiard room including the boxwood table on slate bed, by Thurston; a series of paintings of Rio de Janeiro, the side and cupola chambers, and the library of books ending at lot 332.

SECOND DAY Wednesday December 10th the Butlers pantry, housekeepers sitting room, rich and costly service of glass and china, dinner services of transparent and iron-stone china, table cutlery: principal land; fowling pieces, museum cabinet of mosses and sea-weeds; table and bed linen, five best chambers in choice walnut wood, mahogany and birch etc… bathroom , concluding at lot

THIRD DAY Thursday December 11th Kitchens, domestic offices, basement, servants hall, very capital refrigerator, furniture of he library and morning-room, splendid ranges of window hangings in Genoa velvet, fine subscription artist proof engravings, cottage piano-forte by Broadwood, Indian jars, and a number of curious and valuable decorative objects, as extremely beautiful drawing by Pettyr: the entrance hall; cabinet size statuary groups, Florentine marble vase and pedestal of noble size, paintings , Chinese gong, Gothic chair etc. up to lot 859.

FOURTH DAY Friday December 12th

FIFTH DAY Saturday December 13th

Branche & Leete. Hanover Rooms, Liverpool
28th November 1873



At the House of Mr Martin at the Bull Inn Gateacre on Tuesday 13 August, 1878 art 6.0 pm

LOT 1 The going-off tenants share of three fields of wheat containing 10 acres now growing on the land late in the occupation of Mr Isaac Gore, part of the Lee Farm, Little Woolton

LOT 2 The going-off tenants share of 6 acres of wheat now growing on part of the Lyons House Farm, Halewood

Intending purchasers are requested to inspect and examine the above lots, prior to sale as the same will be sold at the above house
without proceeding to the fields.


SALE BY AUCTION BY ORDER OF THE Executors of the late George Ihler Esq. All that substantial and well furnished residence known as ‘ROCKFIELD’ with the offices, outbuildings, gardens, vineries, conservatories grounds, paddock & cottage in Gateacre occupying about 8563 yds. Freehold of Inheritance. The bulk of the furniture now in the house may be taken at a valuation. Plans may be obtained on and after the 22nd inst. to Messrs. Yates Son & Stannanought, Sol. Water St. Mr C. Sherlock – Architect South John St. or Branch and Leet, Hanover St. Liverpool


TO BE SOLD ‘ ROSELEIGH’ WOOLTON to be in consequence of W.E. Crum Esq., removing to London, with early possession standing upon 2 acres of land laid out as kitchen and flower gardens. The House contains entrance hall; dining room; drawing room with 2 large bow windows; library; morning room; kitchens; scullery; butlers pantry; servants hall; lavatory & water closet on the ground floor. 8 Bedrooms, dressing room, night and day nursery, large bathroom on the first floor.

Apply to Frederick H Boult – Estate Agent, 4 Cook St. Liverpool


WOOLTON – To be sold that very desirable Freehold residence known as ‘WOOLTON GROVE’ with stabling for 5 horses, coach-house, manservants room, boxroom, wash-house 3 piggeries, shippon for 4 cows, gardens, orchards the whole comprising 15 ¼ acres 4 entertaining rooms, kitchen, scullery, butlers pantry – on the ground floor – above are 12 bedrooms, dressing rooms and bathroom. The new station on the Cheshire lines which will shortly be opened is within ten minutes walk from the house.

Apply to Mr S. Waterhouse, Cook St. Liverpool


By order of the devises in trust of the late T. Wainwright.


To be sold by Mr William Halsall., on Wednesday the 13th April next at six o’clock in the afternoon at the public house called the ‘ELEPHANT HOTEL’ Much Woolton subject to conditions of sale to be then produced.

LOT 1 The Freehold dwelling house called ‘Grove Farm’ with stable, outbuildings and land, situate on the west side of Halewood Road, Little Woolton and now in the occupation of Mr Bainbridge as tenant. The premises containe about 10,816 sq. yds of land.

LOT 2 A freehold Beerhouse and two cottages adjoining the above property now in the occupation of Robert O. Hooker, Mrs Leadbetter and another, as tenants.

LOT 3 a Freehold piece of land in use as a garden, situate on the west side of Church Road, and on the north side of High St. Much Woolton containing about 1,151 sq.yds and now in the occupation of the Misses Wainwright. The above lot is suitable for building purposes, and is opposite the entrance to Woolton Hall.

LOT 4 Two dwelling houses and shop, situate on the south side of Allerton Road, and the outbuildings thereto, and also the Garden behind now in the occupation of Miss Wainwright and Mrs Lott as tenants. The premises contain about 1,503 sq.yds. The shop has been occupied by the late Mr T. Wainwright and now by his sons as plumbers and painters for 33 years.

LOT 5 All those two shops and five cottages adjoining and the workshop and gardens behind, situate on the south side of Allerton Road, and now respectively in the occupation of Mrs Sharples and others. The above premises contain about 1,389 sq.yds. This lot might with little expense be converted into shops or good dwelling houses. The premises overlook the lake called ‘The Lodes’

(83) To Painters, Plumbers and others.
Mr Wm Halsall announces that he has been favoured with instructions to SELL BY AUCTION on the premises – Allerton Road, Woolton on Wednesday 13th April 1881 at one o’clock p.m.
STOCK AND UTENSILS-IN-TRADE of Messrs. D and O. Wainwright who are dissolving the partnership and the business will afterwards be carried on by Mr D. Wainwright on his own account, comprising a general assortment of paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, paper hangings, window glass, iron spouting, lead, and earthenware traps, closet fittings, wash-basins, pump buckets, and clacks., screw-plate with taps, and dies, drills, scales, and weights, double and single gas brackets, force pumps, ladders, tresles, planks, spring-carts, strong whitechapel, set of spring cart-gears, set of harness, wheel hay cutter ‘Milners’ safe, harne a horse and other miscellaneous effects and trade utensils.

(84) LIVERPOOL DAILY POST Tuesday 12 April 1881


To be sold a capital detached house with 3 stall stable, horse boxes, coach house, harness room, (with room over)., conservatories, fern house, greenhouses, vinery, peach house, tastefully laid out gardens containing 1.3/4 acres. The house contains 3 reception rooms, billiard room, 6 bedrooms, dressing room, bathroom and offices.

Apply to Mr S. Waterhouse, Liverpool

(85) PRESCOT REPORTER 6 January 1883

Treat at Gateacre

The annual treat to the aged parishioners of Gateacre took place in the National School on Thursday evening last week. The room was decorated to a high degree. Guests invited numbered Sixty without regard to religious belief, and their ages ranged from 55-96. Entertainment followed with songs and recitations etc. Special mention was given of two songs sung by a man of 80 years. Mr & Mrs A.B. Forwood arrived, and addressed the old folk. Canon Warr could not be there due to his indisposition. A vote of thanks was given to Rev. W. Wright the originator of the treat. Assistance by Mr Wood late organist of Gateacre Church, and his songs and readings were much appreciated. Mr T. Harrison presented the guests with tea or tobacco.

[The above is a news item, not an auction announcement, but may nevertheless be of interest. Mr Harrison lived at Belle Vale Hall. JB]



To be sold with immediate possession ‘STRAWBERRY FIELD’ for many years the residence of the late George Warren Esq., together with about eleven statute acres of Freehold land. Sloping to the south and protected from the north and east. The house of Gothic design and most substantial construction contains on the ground floor, vestibule with cloakroom and lavatory out of it. spacious and well lighted inner hall out of which are lofty dining room about 30′ x 19′., dining room and morning room of proportional size, billiard room, school room, and housekeepers room, pantry: the first floor approached by excellent front and back stairs, includes 5 superior bedrooms, two dressing rooms, bathroom etc… on second landed.

On second floor are eight superior bedrooms. The basement is very extensive, lofty and well lighted and very dry. The outbuildings include 3 stall stable, two loose boxes, large coach-house and harness room with grooms room over, and spacious loft, besides coachmans cottage, and on the Vale Road frontage are six-tie shippon, two stalled stable, carts-shed and cottage. Gardens are well cared for and fully cropped.

Apply to Fredk. H Boult., 4 Cook St. Liverpool


By Order of the Trustees of the Will of Charles Hopely Esq.

On Friday 27th instant at the Law Association Rooms, 14 Cook St. subject to conditions.

A Capital Messuage called ‘BANKSIDE’ situate on the west side of Acrefield Road, nearly opposite to the top of Gateacre Brow in Woolton with the gardens, stables, coachhouse and outbuildings, and contain in the whole 2509 sq.yds of land. excellent frontage to the main road, being bounded on the north by a good side road.

Freehold of Inheritance.

Apply to Mr F. Boult, Estate Agent, Cook St.
or to Messrs. Fisher & Son, Sol. Victoria St.


On Monday at the Bull Inn, Gateacre, all that piece of
Freehold land in Sandfield Road, now belonging to Mr William
Gore together with 5 dwelling houses erected, and now in the
occupation of Mrs Elson: Mr G. Ellison: Mr Raybone: Mr H. Ellison, and Mr Moore. Rent is £11 p.a.


On Wednesday 16 October, 1867 at the Bull Inn, Gateacre, before James Winkworth Winstanley Esq., District Registrar

LOT 1 Freehold House, coach-house, stable on the south side of Gateacre Brow having a frontage of 14 yards to the public road in the occupation of Mrs Ellen Rodick.

LOT 2 Freehold house with shop, bakery, warehouse and weighing machine at the corner of Halewood Lane, Gateacre in the occupation of Mr William Lee, and a cottage adjoining in the occupation of Mr Henry Tarbock. Also a timber yard and joiners shop, late in the occupation of Mr Thomas Gore.

LOT 3 Two Freehold houses on the west side of Halewood
Lane in the occupation of Joseph Tarbock and Henry Tarbock.

LOT 4 Copyhold house, butchers shop and outbuildings in Little Woolton now in the occupation of John Taylor.

“Persuant to a decree at the Court of Canterbury made in a cause GORE V. GORE.”




To be sold ‘ Elmsfield’ Grange Lane, Gateacre. The property is Leasehold under the Vicar of Childwall for 99 years from 1852 or 1862 and contains about 1 acre of land. Ground rent £22.10.0. The house contains drawing room, dining room, library, and billiard rooms, bathroom, 6 bedrooms in addition to drawing room, bathroom etc., There is excellent stabling fitted in modern style, also small greenhouse and fernery and good kitchen garden.

The property is within 10 minutes walk of Gateacre Station. Vacant possession can be given by March next.

Apply to Bateson, Ware & Bateson, 14 Castle St., Liverpool


(91) January 29th 1900
WOOLTON HEYES – now in the occupation of the family of the late Frederick Baxter Esq.,

(92) February 1st 1900

Desirable family residence to be let.

(93) February 8th 1900

To be sold or let with immediate possession the residence of the late Henry Jump Esq., known as the WOODLANDS, Gateacre together with adjoining land comprising of … acres situate within 1.1/2 miles from the Cheshire Lines Railway House contains 6 entertaining rooms. 13 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and the usual offices, stabling for 8 horses, 2 coach houses and 5 loose boxes.

(94) 22 February 1900

To be sold, the desirable residence called Mount Pleasant 129 Allerton Road, Woolton, with garden and coach-house. The house contains 2 entertaining rooms, kitchen scullery, storeroom, wine cellar and good cellarage. Five bedrooms & W.C. Adjoining the coach-house are a kitchen, scullery and bedroom.
Part of the purchase money can remain on mortgage.

(95) February 1900
Gateacre, to be sold
ORIENT HOUSE Halewood Road
with outbuildings and land about 7 acres.
Ground floor – 3 entertaining rooms/conservatory. Two kitchens, sculleries, pantries etc. First Floor two attic bedrooms above. Outbuildings, 3 stall stable, and loft, 2 coach-houses, harness room, shippon. Large potting shed, vinery, fernery. Rent £180 p.a.
Apply to Peter Davies, Estate Agent.

(96) February 1900
Gateacre – A desirable residence in 1 acre of garden. Entrance hall, garden, vestibule, cloakroom with lavatory, drawing room 30′ x 18′., dining room 28′ x 18′. Paneled morning room 24′ x 19′., large paneled room 40′ x 18′., kitchens, pantry, and the usual offices. On the ground floor 6 principal bedrooms, 3 have dressing rooms with baths, hot and cold water., 2 servants bedrooms, linen room, general bathroom, boxroom and sitting room. Well built., electric light, and hot and cold running water throughout. Tennis court, conservatory, fernery, bicycle house, coalshed, and wash-house.

[This could be ‘Gateacre House’. JB]

(97) February 1900
Detached – stone built residence – ROCK MOUNT, Quarry Lane
Woolton. The House has 9 bedrooms with 2 dressing rooms., dining rooms, drawing rooms. Morning/Billiard room, smoking room, ground floor kitchen, scullery, butlers pantry, two bathrooms, day and night nursery.

(98) March 7 1900
‘ROCKFIELD’ – Cuckoo Lane to be sold.
The residence of the late James Davies JP.

(99) March 12 1900
WOOLTON HILL – Valuable Freehold residence and building sites. To be sold in one or two lots. The Freehold residence ‘BAYCLIFFE’ in own grounds approx. 4 ½ acres. Upper portion of ground may be purchased separately contains sites for residential property – [house details….. numerous. JB].
Also tastefully built cottage known as CLIFFE COTTAGE suitable for bachelor house or lodge. Would be let from £25-£30.
Apply Thornley and Cameron.

(100) LIVERPOOL MERCURY 9 February 1900

GATEACRE ‘ BROWSIDE’ To be let unfurnished.

A capital family residence containing on the ground floor 2 entertaining rooms, cloakroom, lavatory, kitchen, 5 bedrooms and good bathrooms etc., On second floor 4 bedrooms. Good cellars well laid out flower garden, and kitchen garden, good stables and hothouses. Within 5 mins walk of Gateacre Station – Cheshire Lines

Apply to Thornley and Cameron, 5 Fenwick St. Liverpool

(101) LIVERPOOL MERCURY 10th February 1900


To be let this attractive residence with about 40 acres of meadowland known as ‘WOOLTON HEYS which is now in the occupation of the family of the late Frederick Barker Esq., scituate about 1 mile from Gateacre Station and convenient for Allerton Station L&NW Railway, also having other convenient access to Liverpool. It contains double drawing room, dining and breakfast room, billiard room, eleven bedrooms with all convenient domestic offices. The stabling is commodious and complete. The pleasure grounds and gardens are well shrubbed and embellished with full grown timber trees. There are also walled productive kitchen gardens, vinery, and greenhouses.

Rent of the whole £300. The land was sub-let by the late Mr Barker? to neighbouring farmers for a yearly rent of £90.

Apply to Mr Bridgford & Sons, Manchester, or Lewis & Mounsey, Chartered Accountants, 3 Lord St. Liverpool



With early possession this splendid detached residence which is conveniently situated for the city and within easy reach of a Railway station contains: Dining room, Drawing room, Morning room, and the usual domestic conveniences on the ground floor. 8 bedrooms, dressing rooms, bathroom, and lavatory on the chamber floors.

There is an entrance lodge and stabling attached to the property Apply to Boult, Son and Maples. 3 Cook St. Liverpool




To be sold or let an exceptionally fine residence with about 1 ½ acres of ground. Stands very high with magnificent views. The house is entered through a large square hall. 4 entertaining rooms, 9 bedrooms, dressing rooms and every convenience.

Outside – stable, wash-house, 2 green-houses, vegetable garden , tennis ground, sloping lawns on either side of a steep winding carriage drive. The house has just been painted and in excellent condition. The drainage system was recently entirely renewed.

Rent reduced.

Apply to Baker 20 Water St., Liverpool




This very desirable FAMILY MANSION in the country, about five minutes walk from the railway station, contains 4 entertaining rooms, good offices on the ground floor, good dry cellarage, 12 bedrooms, 2 dressing rooms, bathrooms, housemaid’s pantry etc… Good stabling and washing box. 3 coach-houses, suitable for garages, and other out-houses. There is also a gardeners cottage adjoining the kitchen garden, a private laundry, with drying ground, and three model cottages if required.
The total area is about 12 acres including tennis ground, cricket pavilion, and paddock and a well stocked garden kitchen. There is a good range of glass and a conservatory adjoining.

The whole property is in good order internally and externally being occupied continuously by the owners for the last 47 years.


These advertisements – published in the Liverpool press, held in the Liverpool Record Office and relating to properties in the Little Woolton, Much Woolton and nearby areas – were transcribed, from material held in the Liverpool Record Office, by Joan Borrowscale on behalf of the Gateacre Society.
[JB’s comments are included within square brackets]