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Why Gateacre is special:

Gateacre is a Liverpool village which has kept its character more than most. Within a quarter-mile radius there are over 100 Listed Buildings – listed by the government as being of Special Architectural or Historic Interest – some of them dating back to the 17th century. No other part of Liverpool has, we think, such a rich inheritance.

Forty years ago some fine trees were felled in front of the Black Bull. Strong objections from local people resulted in Gateacre obtaining the first Tree Preservation Order in Liverpool, to protect our other trees. In 1969 the special character of Gateacre Village was further recognised by the City Planning Department. It was declared a Conservation Area; the fifth in Liverpool (now there are over 30).

In 1974 the Gateacre Society was formed. We are a Registered Charity, and strictly non-party political. We have good relations with City Council Departments and our local Councillors, and are in contact with many other people and organisations who can be of assistance to us. We are a member of the British Association for Local History and Merseyside Civic Society.

What the Gateacre Society does:

Recognised by the City Council for consultation purposes, we are the local amenity society for Gateacre Village and the surrounding area. We are part of a network of voluntary societies concerned with the care of the environment.

Among the things we do are to:

  • examine the Register of Planning Applications regularly,
    and make comments when we feel it to be necessary;
  • respond immediately Gateacre’s Environment is threatened;
  • research Local History;
  • issue Newsletters to members to keep them informed;
  • hold Meetings, Outings and Illustrated Talks
  • maintain a website to publicise our activities and campaigns


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