The Planning Inspectorate has told us that our Right of Way Claim in respect of the path from Acrefield Road to Woolton Park, via Glenacres and Byron Court, is to be the subject of a Public Inquiry - starting on 27th March 2018. The venue will be Woolton Golf Club, and anyone with a view to express will be invited to attend. If you have used the path on a regular basis at any time over the past 50 years, and would be prepared to give evidence at the Inquiry as one of our 'witnesses', please contact Mike Chitty
as soon as possible.

This map shows the pedestrian route - currently blocked by a brick wall on the Byron Court/Glenacres boundary - which we are claiming should be designated as a Public Right of Way. FOR MORE INFORMATION, see the article our March 2017 Newsletter. For details of Liverpool City Council's Definitive Map Modification Order, and to download various documents relevant to our claim, please visit our December 2016 News Extra page. For a copy of the Gateacre Society's submission in respect of the Order, visit our special Public Rights of Way web pages.

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Page created 8 Nov 2017 by MRC, last updated 22 Nov 2017