Some other items from our November Newsletter


There were 32 objections from local residents to Countryside Properties' planning application 17F/1805 (see last Newsletter) in respect of the former Gateacre Comp school site. Our Environment Secretary, Mike Chitty, spoke against the proposal at the City Council's Planning Committee meeting on 24th October, as did our ward councillors Alice Bennett and Malcolm Kelly. However the Committee decided to approve the planning application in accordance with the Planning Officer's recommendation.

We can only hope that two of our criticisms - the company's failure to produce the promised Residents Travel Pack (to encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport in preference to the private car) and the Council's failure to improve a 'nearby' public open space (as compensation for the lack of on-site recreational provision) - will be remedied over the next few months. Currently, we are told, only £80,000 of the £231,000 'section 106 money' handed over by Countryside to the Council has been earmarked for spending, and that will pay for propping-up the Allerton Oak in Calderstones Park (hardly a benefit to the residents of the new Gateacre housing estate)!

Please read Our Comments on Planning Application 17F/1805,
as sent to the City Council on 28th August 2017, and Our Statement
to the Planning Committee on 24th October 2017.
You can find the official Council Minutes of the meeting here
(at item 117).

The Gateacre Society first reported this planning application on a News Extra
in August 2017. We have given further details here
about what is proposed.

The atmosphere at our Annual General Meeting on 29th October was convivial, the refreshments - and Eryl Chitty's surprise quiz - were enjoyed by all, and the Society's Committee was re-appointed for a further year (though in the sincere hope that others will come forward as co-opted members). Sadly, Councillor Alice Bennett was unable to be there, but has undertaken to provide answers to at least some of the 12 questions we sent her with regard to local heritage and environmental issues. A number of ideas - and further issues - were suggested by the members who took part in the A.G.M. discussion, and we hope that there will be progress to report in a future Newsletter.

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Page created 8 Nov 2017 by MRC, last updated 22 Nov 2017