Some other items from our May Newsletter

The site meeting mentioned in our last
Newsletter took place on 2nd March. The outcome was an agreement that the City Council's highways department would draw up plans to mitigate the damage to the listed building, 28a-d Gateacre Brow, on which both we and the owners of the building would be consulted. Another outcome, thanks primarily to Cllr Malcolm Kelly, was a meeting with the Merseyside Regional Director of Travis Perkins, Mr Marc Chitryn. He immediately announced a series of measures to be taken by the company, including the provision of trained 'banksmen' to guide reversing lorries, a reduction in the number of companies allowed to deliver to the Sandfield Road depot, and restrictions on the hours during which deliveries will be accepted.

It is recognised, however, that not all the damage has been inflicted by vehicles visiting Travis Perkins, so there is still a need for adjustments to the kerbs and bollards, and possibly new signage at the Gateacre Brow junction. Funding will be a problem, but the hope is that the work can be carried out as part of the long-overdue resurfacing of Gateacre Brow.

The Inquiry into our Public Right of Way Claim for Glenacres/Byron Court took place on 27th-29th March, and re-convened on 13th April. Unfortunately it was not possible to close the Inquiry on that day, because a vital document - the Head Lease which would establish who actually owns the Byron Court land across which the disputed path runs - had not been found.

Both the Inspector and the City Council's solicitor agreed that the Byron Court Management Company need to be given a chance to prove that they had a legal right to challenge users of the path. While the document is not crucial to our own argument - which is that a Right of Way already existed before Byron Court was built - a failure to find it will certainly strengthen our case. The Inquiry re-convenes on Tuesday 14th August, 10 a.m., at Woolton Golf Club.

Further information about our Right of Way Claim, and copies of the various submissions from both sides, can be found on our special Public Rights of Way web pages

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Page created 6 May 2018 by MRC