3.7 In the early 1980s, following the demolition of the Admission Unit, a cul-de-sac of private houses was built (Woolton Park Close). This was originally intended to incorporate a pedestrian link through to Acrefield Road, but in 1984 planning application L263425 was submitted to omit this footpath from the housing layout. The Planning Officer's report to the City Council's Development & Building Control Sub-Committee on 11.6.84 (see Annex 7) stated that "the public [had been] allowed to cross the grounds between Woolton Park and Acrefield Road without any hindrance", and included a map indicating the route through Acrefield Bank and Glenacres as an 'Alternative Link'. On this basis, because of the existence of this alternative link, planning permission was granted to omit the proposed Woolton Park Close footpath.
3.8 The Planning Officer's 11.6.84 report mentioned that the Acrefield Bank/Glenacres path was "not a legal public right of way" - which was not surprising because, at that time, the City of Liverpool did not have a Definitive Map of Rights of Way. However, the path was clearly still in regular use as a through route in 1999, when another planning application was submitted - this time to demolish Acrefield Bank and to replace it by a private block of flats (which on completion was named Byron Court).
3.9 The resultant planning permission - reference 99P/1289 - was granted on 2 March 2000 (see Annex 8 for a copy of the Decision Notice). It included a condition (Condition 7) as follows: "Prior to the commencement of development, full details of the means and method of closure (to vehicular traffic) of the access between Woolton Park and Acrefield Road (as indicated on the approved plans) shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. For the avoidance of all doubt, the agreed method of closure shall be designed to safely and conveniently accommodate pedestrian and cycle access".
3.10 Annex 13 is the 'Site Plan Existing' submitted in August 1998 as part of an earlier planning application: reference 98P/1647, for the change of use of Acrefield Bank from residential care home to residential use (thirteen flats).This indicates that, in addition to the roadway, a flight of steps linked Glenacres with the north side of the care home building.
3.11 Annex 11 is the Report (Agenda item A7) considered by the City Council's Planning Committee on 29 February 2000 (originally considered on 10 February 2000 as Agenda item B23). Annex 12 is an extract from the Landscaping Layout Plan (drawing no. 11-01A dated October 1999, submitted by Wimpey Homes as part of planning application 99P/1289). The Report was the basis on which the City Council granted planning permission 99P/1289 for what became Byron Court. Paragraph 5 of the 'Issues / Officer Assessment' section of the Report reads as follows: