3.12 "Councillor Kelly and certain local residents have expressed concern over the use of the access road between Woolton Park and Acrefield Road for vehicular traffic. This historic 'link' has enabled pedestrian and cycle access through the site, but restricted vehicular access via demountable bollards (to allow emergency vehicle access). The provision of a pedestrian/cycle link is desirable (on sustainable planning grounds), but local residents, with the support of Councillor Kelly and the Head of Planning, Transportation and Building Surveying, are concerned about any potential vehicular link. The submitted plans indicate that the link will be restricted to pedestrians and cyclists only, and this matter is conditioned accordingly".
3.13 The Landscaping Layout Plan (Annex 12) - which is one of the 'submitted plans' referred to - contains the words "Maintain Pedestrian Link" alongside the path from Woolton Park towards Glenacres, and the words "Pedestrian Access Only" alongside symbols indicating three bollards across the roadway on the boundary with Glenacres. In combination, these documents (i.e. Annexes 11 and 12) prove that the path had been in use as a through route for some time prior to 2000.
3.14 Annex 16 is an Ownership plan of the Former Royal Liverpool Babies Hospital Site, dated June 1992, showing the boundaries of the various land parcels (LCC Housing Committee, LCC Social Services Committee and Private ownership) at that time.
3.15 In 2008 Glenacres was transferred from Liverpool City Council to Liverpool Mutual Homes. In 2015 LMH submitted a planning application - ref. 15F/1041 - to make various changes to the landscaping and boundary treatment of Glenacres. However, no change was proposed to the boundary between Glenacres and Byron Court. The collapsible bollards were to remain in position (see Annex 9, which is an extract from one of the submitted drawings).
3.16 The origin of the use of the full length of the path as a through route can be dated to 1977 (see Annex 7). The Report (ref. CPO/238/84) that was considered by the City Council's Development & Building Control Sub-Committee on 11 June 1984 states (paragraph 2) as follows:
3.17 "When the site [of what became Woolton Park Close] was occupied by the Children's Admission Unit, there was no legal right of way across the site although the public were allowed to cross the grounds between Woolton Park and Acrefield Road without any hindrance. The site was sold for development in 1977 when the developer closed the means of access from the Woolton Park side eliminating the use of the site by pedestrians across it. An alternative link between Woolton Park and Acrefield Road was achieved through the grounds of Glenacres and Acrefield Bank although again this is not a legal public right of way".