Building work is now underway on the Aldi development. We have been told that the new store is expected to open in July 2014. However, the company has declined to pay for the access improvements - a mini roundabout at the Grange Lane junction, pedestrian refuges on Gateacre Park Drive, and conversion of the existing zebra to a light-controlled crossing - that we had suggested.

Originally (as reported in previous Newsletters) they were going to fund a large number of speed bumps in the surrounding area, but this idea was dropped by the City Council owing to local residents' opposition. We had always argued that the money earmarked for speed bumps would be better spent on other measures. Sadly, Aldi Stores now tell us that it "would potentially be ... a breach of the Bribery Act 2010" if they were to offer to pay for things that were not included in the Council's previously-agreed 'shopping list' of highway/pedestrian access improvements.

Meanwhile, HTL Buses have told us that they are very much opposed to speed cushions. We have asked the Council to ensure that they - along with the Gateacre Society and local residents - are asked for their views before any traffic calming measures are introduced.

Read our previous Newsletter articles about Gateacre Park Drive:

November 2013 (Traffic Calming Controversy

September 2013 (Shops Decision)

July 2013 (New Aldi Plans

November 2012 (Aldi Latest

And visit the 'What Do You Think?' residents' campaign website:

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